Spring/Summer Updates

Hey everyone!

It's been a hot minute since my last update, as is common after Designercon and the holidays, winter is kind of an off season for me and a lot of down time is common.  But now it's summer!  Sort of!

As some of you may have noticed I just finished a weekend at Five Points Fest here in Brooklyn and it was a blast.  I reconnected and met so many amazing people and had such a good time with everyone.  And now on the tail of that I am updating my inventory and all the lovely boring stuff that goes with running a shop.  I'm excited to announce that two more terrariums found their homes this weekend and as such I was able to donate half their proceeds to TENT and Project Drawdown.  It always feels good being able to give back through my art and thank you to everyone who has or will help with that.  It gives me hope when things get bleak.

I'm also going to be updating my shop with some of the new pieces that didn't get any photos before the show.  I expect that shop drop to happen on Friday, as I have kiddo's pre-k graduation this week and the weather needs to cooperate for the photo shoots and......well the weather isn't cooperating as much as I'd like let's just say.  


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