Concerning Brexit Changes and UK Customers

So as many small businesses have been made aware in the last week or so, there are some MASSIVE changes to selling to customers in the UK from other countries.  Unfortunately these changes have forced me to make the very difficult decision to suspend selling to customers located in the UK.  I'm very sorry to any customers from the UK, but starting January 1, 2021, this shop will no longer be selling in the UK.   


My hope that an exemption for small businesses similar to the previous EU simplification threshold get implemented down the line, as this makes selling overseas much more reasonable for a small one-person business like this.  If that is the case or anything changes, I may reinstate shipping to the UK, and will make sure to announce if that happens.  My shop will remain open to UK customers until Dec 31, 2020.

I apologize to all my UK customers and hope that one day I can happily say that shipping is once again available.

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